Enhancing Customer Experience for the Dutch Dialyse Center

The Dialyse Center in the Netherlands elevates patient experience with Redtag and Growtivity's innovative solutions

A Dialyse Center, a group of healthcare centers in the Netherlands, focuses on personalized, state-of-the-art dialysis treatments. They aimed to develop a system to simplify patient involvement in their treatment. This system would enable patients to easily manage their dialysis and health data, including physician details. Both patients and healthcare providers required accessible, up-to-date electronic health records (EHR), with seamless data transfer capabilities.
Partners since:
Salesforce Experience Cloud
Custom components to adjust UX
d3.js library for data visualization
API integration with HL7 server
Integration with Twilio for SMS
The challenges

Bridging Doctor-Patient Communication

The Center sought a solution facilitating patient-physician interaction and efficient data sharing regarding dialysis. They needed a 24/7 accessible tool for patients to submit health measurements and receive medical feedback.

The system also needed to store patient information in Salesforce, syncing with the primary healthcare database according to the FHIR standard.

The solution

Using Experience Cloud to Improve Customer Experience

After discussions with the client, Redtag chose to develop a customizable Salesforce application for healthcare providers and a secure, uniform experience cloud for patients, with flexibility for personalized updates. Redtag created custom components to automatically identify patient types and assist in dialysis. This solution involved organizing and accessing patient data through Salesforce, with interactive gauges for a comprehensive overview and comparative analysis of test results.

Within those interactive gauges, the users could access the page with a detailed automated analysis of test results and their interpretation, and see whether they needed a doctor’s visit. 

The developed solution also allows users to manually enter data that Salesforce would later synchronize with the general national healthcare database. To keep electronic health records (EHR) of the patients constantly updated and provide the possibility to send data back to the clinic FHIR servers, an integration according to HL7 standard was built using Apex.

Over the course of the project implementation, all the data protection standards have been observed and data security was improved with 2FA. 


Results of Using Salesforce in Healthcare Institutions

Before this initiative, creating a universally accessible tool for both patients and care providers, capable of integrating with the national system, was a significant challenge. The Experience Cloud now features custom components that have markedly improved user experience. Enhanced data visualization, enabled by the D3.js library, has played a crucial role. This project has successfully empowered Salesforce to assist over 600 patients across the Netherlands in their daily dialysis process.

Let’s talk about your request!

Contact with our Salesforce consultant, Denys Denkovych, for consultation.
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